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March, 2023

Celebrating International Women’s Day


International Women’s Day 2023 is all about Embracing Equity.

This is something we at Spaceworks are deeply passionate about – equity is about creating an inclusive world, not just providing equal opportunities.

We spoke to Senior Interior Designer, Liezl about what International Women’s Day means to her, and what equity in the design industry looks like.

What is your role at Spaceworks?

I am a Senior Interior Designer, working on various Hospo, commercial and retail projects.

Tell us a bit about your career so far

I studied Int Architecture at the University of Pretoria. I’ve always been interested in the finer details and design aspects of the build environment. I knew I was going to study Architecture/Design by the time I was 12. I have been working in the design sector for 11 years.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? Why do you think it’s important we celebrate it?

It’s important to celebrate our fellow female colleagues, appreciate the difference they make within the design sector and that we can all play a supportive role in our communities, stand up against discrimination, show a bit more kindness and fairness in all aspects of life.


Tell us about the female figures you look up to in the industry / workplace / beyond:

Ray Eames; one of the most prominent female figures in Architecture, graphic design, textile, film & furniture design that has inspired me since 1st year at Uni. She was a ground breaking designer who brought us the Eames Chair in collaboration with her husband, Charles, whom has always named her his equal in all designs. They developed the ground breaking technology of bending plywood into beautiful forms, and still today we can see mock-ups of their furniture being used around the globe.

Other inspirational figures include Michelle Obama, Mother Theresa & Zaha Hadid.

What are you most proud of achieving?

Working in collaboration with our CEO on Meiko Salon and Winning of Salon of the year. It was a small project, but the client was extremely happy and they took away an award for it.

What does Equity in the design industry look like to you?

Fairness. To be able to recognize and celebrate people in the industry who has contributed to the design industry, albeit male or female.

What changes would you like to see to promote Equity in the industry / workplaces / beyond?

I would like to see more female designers at conferences, public speaking, submitting award winning – designs and getting credit where credit is due. At a workplace, I would like to see women celebrate women, uplifting your fellow female colleagues.


Read all about International Women's Day here