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Living room design for Aged Care
August, 2022

The Detail In Aged Care Design


We have been in Aged Care Design for over 10 years – designing everything from apartments to hair salons.

There is so much more to designing a retirement village than the common misconception that it’s just about aesthetics. At Spaceworks we do just about everything inside the building when designing or redesigning an aged care village.

For instance:
– We work closely with consultants to ensure that the function of key services align and integrate with the design.
– We complete the 3D renders for concept approval and the architectural detailed drawing package
– We coordinate with base build architects for the building consent submission
– And we monitor the design throughout construction.

Where we take things one step further is that we specify everything. We specify the furniture, artwork, accessories, cups/saucers/plates/cutlery, linen, appliances, consumables (such as medical equipment, sharps disposals), whiteboards, AV, TVs and gym equipment.

How do we get all this done? We call on our various teams to complete designs together from a skills perspective.

– Our specialist hospitality team use their experience and knowledge in the design of village restaurants, cafes and bars.

– Our office/workplace team have a deep understanding of space activation through activity-based working. This makes them experts in designing the main facilities buildings. These commonly have multiple activities and functions happening at the same time, from games through to family visits.

–  Our retail team know how to design down to the last centimetre to make maximum use of every bit of space. Their skills assist with retail areas such as shops and hair salons.

When we are redesigning an existing village, we engage with the residents through surveys and focus groups, much like we do for an office or business undergoing design changes. This really helps us understand the pain points and design opportunities.

Then, throughout the process, we work alongside our client to create a change management strategy, informing residents at key points about the design to keep them excited and engaged.

For new villages we use best practice and aged care future design trends to inform the design process.

Spaceworks’ team members are always keen to work in the aged care team as it uses all our design skills and given us diversity in our day. We also get lots of satisfaction from seeing the finished village and staff and residents using the space just as we designed it.

We have perfected the process over many years and many villages – having completed over 15 to date. Get in touch with us to discuss your Aged Care project.