Rainbow Design
Rainbow Design is so much more than Gender Neutral Bathrooms.
Spaceworks have been Rainbow Tick Certified for 18 months as a business and as a designer I have been focused for some time on the importance of Rainbow inclusivity in design.
The Design industry as a whole typically sees LGBTQ+ people represented in much higher percentages than in the general population. However, there is still work to be done in how inclusion applies in practice. In The 2019 Queer Design Count 40% of LGBTQ+ designers reported having to point out design decisions that excluded queer people to their colleagues.
I am aware that Rainbow inclusion is a deep topic and unless you are immersed in it regularly like I am, you will not have studied in the way that I have.
No longer do we call spaces Gender Neutral, they are now Gender Inclusive. No longer are inclusive bathrooms the only included aspect in design. We now look at art work, colours, shapes – Gender Inclusive is far more than just bathrooms.
If you are a designer/architect or a business going through a design project – I would love to collaborate and share the mahi I have been doing in this space. I am very happy to consult to other creatives that are newer to this area. I am happy to meet with you and your client to understand their inclusivity requirements and advise as to how this can be realised into a physical space; retail office or hospitality. This work is a collaboration, the more that learn the more we can spread inclusivity at pace.
Lizzi Whaley