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Nelson Mandela Day


Nelson Mandela Day reminds us of the power of unity, resilience, and the impact one individual can have on the world. At Spaceworks, we believe these values are deeply intertwined with our approach to design and architecture. Just as Mandela championed diversity and inclusivity, we strive to reflect these principles in every project we undertake, ensuring our spaces celebrate diverse voices and foster inclusive environments. Mandela’s legacy means different things to different people, and we honour his profound impact by embedding values of diversity and inclusivity into our work.

For us, inclusivity means considering every detail—from accessibility features to cultural nuances—ensuring our spaces are welcoming and empowering for everyone. Our commitment to diversity is evident in our collaborative process, where we engage with clients, communities, and stakeholders from all backgrounds to co-create spaces that reflect their collective vision and aspirations. Inspired by Nelson Mandela’s legacy, we push the boundaries of traditional design, innovate, and embrace change. By integrating diverse perspectives and championing inclusive design, we aim to create environments where everyone feels valued, respected, and inspired.

Here are some practical tips for creating and designing inclusive spaces:

1. Inclusive Design: Ensure that all areas are designed to be inclusive for everyone, considering cultural sensitivity and diverse ability needs.

2. Flexible Spaces: Design spaces that can be easily reconfigured to accommodate different user groups and activities.

3. User Engagement: Involve the end users in the design process. Insights and feedback are invaluable in creating spaces that truly meet users’ needs and preferences.

4. Gender Inclusive Facilities: Provide gender inclusive facilities and design concepts rooms to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe.

5. Healthy Environments: Create spaces that support different work types and promote health and well-being, both mentally and physically. Incorporate natural light, plants, good ventilation, and quiet areas for those who may need a break from noisy environments.

Let’s talk about how Spaceworks can help your space work.  Contact Lizzi Whaley